"Hey...everything moves when I move!"
...it is just too sweet for words. She is so amazed and just takes in every wonderful little miracle that we sometimes forget to stop and notice...
...when you stop to think about it a shadow IS a pretty amazing thing. I just love that our Maggie helps remind us everyday of all God's wonderful little miracles.
And our girl's smile...well it just comes from somewhere deep down in her sweet little soul...
...it is not possible to witness her smile and not smile...
...what a wonderful world it would be if everyone had our Magpie's sweet 'make your heart so happy smile'. Cause when she gives you a smile you know the girl takes her smiles serious!
Miss Maggie with her 'man'....Zeke! How cute are they together!!!
And swimming...my how our girl loves the water!!! All three of our girls have always loved the water...our three little waterbabies. But Maggie takes loves the water to a whole new level! Seriously, the girl LOVES the water!
As soon as she gets in the pool she just starts kicking like a little frog...I think if I were brave enough to turn her loose she would just take off swimming underwater!
We are definetly enjoying what is left of summer...but so looking forward to Fall!