...just some random things that are making me smile, which always include miss maggie of course! one of her newest things is when she wakes up from nap....now that our girl is crawling all over the place, we are having to close off doors. this includes the door into my bedroom when she is taking a nap. this is where she almost always takes her nap since she shares a room with her sisters in our tiny carriage house! so i put her on a quilt on the floor and USED to listen for her so wake up...but now this is how i know miss priss is up...

....i see a tiny little hand sticking out from under the door and a cute face smashed against the glass looking out the door! ( and yes i do know a glass door is not that practical for a bedroom door...but you know it was the look i wanted. an old wooden french door. and it does look really good...just not always so practical :)

:: our girl always wakes up with a smile...looks at you for a minute through the glass and then starts hitting the door like 'let me out now!'

:: miss maggie's 'excited face'! she and her boyfriend zeke both do this face when they get excited! i do not know if it is a common ds thing or it is just a maggie and zeke thing :) anybody else with that magic chromosome at their house see this face also?
and of course getting out Christmas stuff...which i love. i love to take out each ornament and remember who it is from or where we got it and on what occasion...

:: when rayley beth saw this one she said 'i did not do a 'bery' good job on that girl!' to which i replied baby yes you did, you were only three when you did that!
i love that little stick girl with the funny little fingers!

:: the first ornament jeffrey and i bought as mr. and mrs. in gatlinburg on a trip with my sister and brother in law ....

:: the gum drop branches coming out of the tree the girls and i make every year

:: the funny little santa and snowmen and elves on our light over our island in our kitchen

:: the funny little angel in her striped tights and mary janes beside my bed that reminds me of all my girls everytime i look at her...

:: all of our nativity scenes and how all my girls love to play with the baby Jesus :)

:: the gingerbread 'girl' that the big girls and i had to make for magpie to take to project help (one of the places she goes for therapy)...i think it looks just like her :)

:: the garland over our bed...i do an ornament each year with a pic of the girls and i usually hang them on the tree, but they get kind of lost in all of the other ornaments! so... this year i decided to give them a special spot in our room and i love it...and so does miss maggie! she loves to lay in the bed looking at all the pictures of her sisters and blow them kisses!! awwww... our girl is so sweet!

:: gifts for my girls...i love to wrap up Christmas gifts with all of the cute colorful ribbons and put cute ornaments on top
can you tell how much i love Christmas yet? i remember when i was little we would always go and cut down a cedar tree on our farm... and even then i loved to help my mom put on all of the ornaments and watch as she covered the tree with tinsel icicles and the 'angel hair', you remember that fiberglass stuff? i think they quit making that because it was dangerous! remember how it would cut your finger sometimes? and i remember just laying under the tree looking up at it thinking it was the most beautiful thing in the world...just laying there dreaming about what santa would bring and what he would fill my stocking with and being so excited to get to see all of my cousins....and Christmas decorations for me still hold some sort of magic. they make a home feel more cozy and i just love how excited my girls get each year when it is time to get everything out. and through my girls i get to have that child-like excitement of waiting on santa all over again...how wonderful is that?
...and last 'happy' of this week....

...rayley beth's art. she draws the cutest, most creative little people you have ever seen! we think she needs to illustrate a children's book! i love to find her cute little drawings everywhere and then have her explain the story behind them...her drawings always make you smile. so she made these cute little girls and even knew how to make them stand up like a paper doll...so i decided to put them on the calendar on our fridge. they make me smile every time i look at them :) and the big, black eyes are new. she said she changed them because 'these kind of eyes make the girls look cuter'...and i have to agree! and that last girl is holding a wrench because rayley beth said she is 'tool girl'...she sees her daddy use a lot of tools!
so lots of happy at our house this week...and once i figure out how to do video i will post another happy, our girl signing. it is so cute, she now does 11 signs...the newest being 'baby'....it is so stinkin cute when she does it!